Sunday, January 31, 2010

Diet Vlogs and Blogs

Ok so now that I'm not sick (great way to start the new year!::rolls eyes::) I am going to get stared with my New Years Resolution to lose 35 lbs. My goal is to either be 125lbs or a size 5. What ever comes first. I don't want to look like a skeleton but I do want to be healthier and look thinner. I mean as you guys know I am engaged now so I have to look BANGIN in my wedding dress lol. I am going to do the SpecialK diet with ambersaurus on YouTube ( )I think it should be easy. The hard part will be going to the gym. I am now assistant manager at work so a had a ton of hour piled on. But I'm happy about that. I'll be walking around a lot more so that works in well. I'm going to be adding a new segment to my channel called ShayedAway. It is going to be my weight loss Vlog. I hope you all enjoy it.